Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Quick Update

Thanks to everyone that made this weekend possible:
- Bonnie and Finn for giving me the father's day gift
- Chris for getting all things logistic figured out, and building up my bike
- Siren for great bikes
- Dennis Nolan and Dillon for keeping us going
- Brad for the teamwork on the course, and the inspiration after I had to pull out
- Friends and family that watched and cheered us on from a far.

In short Chris and I had troubles that caused us to have to pull out, leaving Brad out there to take it on his own. He raced hard right to the end to get a well deserved third place. Truly inspirational.

Here is a shot of the awesome ride Siren made and Chris built up before I get it out for a lap.
Brad racing all the way to the end.
Brad where we've seen him before, and will likely see him again soon. Man, he's strong!

We're packing up and and headed to WI tomorrow morning. Friends are moving in tomorrow so we have to make the house welcoming. I had plans to ride on some of the hots spots, ya know Sedona, Durango, Colorado Springs, but with the injury I think I'll just rest on the way home and start up back in WI.
Ride on!

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